Prof. Ing. Jan Holub, Ph.D., Head of Department
Full professor
Phone number
holubjan [at]

- Ing. (M.Sc.) in Measurement Technology, CTU, May 1996
- Ph.D. in Measurement Technology, CTU, June 1999
- Associate Professor in Measurement Technology, CTU, June 2004
- Professor in Measurement Technology, CTU, 2016
- Subjective Quality, Intelligibility and Usability Testing
- Speech and Audio Coding and Compression
- HAM Radio and PACKET Radio (c.s. OK1VGQ)
- High Frequency Applications for Measuring Technology
- Public Cellular Mobile Phones
- Truncated and Satellite Radio Systems
- Non-commercial Radio Mobile Systems
- Alarm and Security Systems
Research & Activities
- Speech, Audio and Video Transmission Quality Measurements in Telecommunication Networks
- Low bit rate coding, Military communications - intelligibility and quality testing
- Dual Task Subjective Testing
- Time-continuous and SC Analog Filters
- Theory and Applications of Dithering for AD and DA Conversion
- Testing of AD Converters using both deterministic and stochastic input test signals
- IET (2004) and ISCA (2002) member
- Chair of organizing and member of program committees of MESAQIN 2002-2012
- Chair of Dithering in ISDDMI 98 (10th International Symposium on Development in Digital Measuring Instrumentation, Naples, Faculty of Engineering), awarded by Antoio Menchetti prize for the best contribution of younger scientist there
- Member of Program Committee of WTS 2006-2012 and Program Committee Chair of WTS 2009 IMEKO member (2004)
- Czech delegate in IMEKO TC-1 (Education and Training in Measurement) 2008
- Chair of IMEKO TC-1 (2010)
Teaching Experience
- Electrical Measurements (2017-)
- Circuit Techniques (2017-)
- Distributed Systems and Computer Networks (2010-)
- Design of Medical Devices (2005-)
- Circuits of Digital Instruments (2004-)
Theses Topics
► Measurement of Speech and Multimedia Quality
► Subjective Intelligibility Testing
► Parallel Task (Dual Task) Subjective Testing
► Objective Audio and Video Quality Testing
► Smart City: Acoustic Event Detection and Processing
► IoT: Smart Acoustic Detector
► Android: Crowd Safety and Security Applications