Ing. Radek Sedláček, Ph.D.
Phone number

Orcid ID: 000-0003-1468-7416
ResearcherID: D-5726-2016
Scopus Author ID: 7005551781
Member of research group of METLAB - Laboratory of precision electrical measurements (only in Czech)
Research interests
Metrology and high accuracy measurement of electrical quantities
- Precision impedance measurements in the LF (DC up to a few kHz) and HF Range (around 1 MHz and higher)
- Coaxial bridges for impedance measurement and comparison
- Calibration of impedance standards in QHE based measurement system
- Development and realisation of special electronic equipments for impedance calibration
Digital signal processing - implementation of various DSP algorithms on different HW platforms:
- FPGA (Intel Altera, Xilinx)
- Digital signal processors (Analog Devices ADSP 21XX, ADSP BF 548)
- ARM processors(STM32Fxx family)
Curriculum vitae
2001 Ing.(MSc) in Measurement and Instrumentation, CTU in Prague, FEE
2007 Ph.D. in Measurement and Instrumentation, CTU in Prague, FEE
Since 2005 as Assistant Professor at the Department of Measurement, CTU in Prague, FEE
Teaching activities
Lectures and laboratory exercises of these courses:
A0M38SPP Signal processor in practice (master study course in Czech)
AEM38SPP Signal processor in practice (master study course in English)
A0B38APH Application FPGA (Bachelor study course in Czech)
AE0B38APH FPGA Applications (Bachelor study course in English)
Laboratory exercises of courses (all in Czech):
A4M38AVS Aplikace vestavných systémů (master course)
A0M38MET Metrology (master course)
X38EMC (X38EMB) Electrical Measurement (Bachelor study course)
X38MIP Applications of Microprocessors in Measurement (Bachelor study course)
The teaching of foreign students
PROGRAMME ATHENS - Cousce on Metrology of electrical quantities (CTU 1)
Actually supervised students
In past supervised students
Lukáš Kořínek: Processing of image information on SoC FPGA platform (bachelor project) 2024
František Boháček: Implementation of the JESD204B Standard on an FPGA Enabling the Interfacing of High-speed A/D Converters with a Sampling Rate Higher than 250 MSPS (bachelor project) 2023
Michal Peterka: Implementation of ONVIF server for secure video streaming via Ethernet interface (bachelor project) 2023
Bc. Miroslav Tržil: Temperature compensation of microbolometric image sensor and implementation of autofocus function (master's project) 2022
Bc. Michal Špaček: Implementation of a method for comparing two time scales on an FPGA circuit (master's project) 2021
J. Jánský: Digital Compensation Unit for Impedance Metrology (master's project)
O. Sadílek: Design of Exemplary Module of CMS Drupal Ver. 6.x (bachelor project)
J. Pomije: Controlling Software for Thermostat Regulator (bachelor project)
L. Vincenc: Measuring temperature transducer with voltage output (bachelor project)
Bc. Daniel Eigl : Temperature Regulator with Peltier Thermoelectric Cooler Module (master's project)
Sládek Petr: High Frequency Lock-in Amplifier (master's project)
Klíma Jakub: Education software - Statistical Evalutation of Measurement Results (bachelor project)
Bednář Jan: Education Software - Measurement Uncertainty Calculation (bachelor project)
Spálenka Karel: Dual-channel High Frequency Generator (bachelor project)
Jursa Tomáš: Calibration of mutual inductance standards (as consuntant in this master's project)
Research stays abroad
2003 - Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris, Turin, Italy (3 months)
Participation in research projects supported by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Project No. 102/02/1056 "Quantum Hall Effect-Based Calibration of Inductance Standards" (completed in 2004)
Participation in research projects supported by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic
Program No. MSM6840770015 "Research of Methods and Systems for Measurement of Physical Quantities and Measured Data Processing"
Theses Topics
► Precision impedance measurements in the LF and HF at the metrology level.
► Coaxial transformer bridges for impedance measurement and comparison.
► Calibration of impedance standards in QHE based measurement system.
► Digital Signal Processing: digital filters, implementation of DSP algorithms on FPGA (Intel Altera, Xilinx), ARM, DSP platform. SoC design on FPGA.
► Non-destructive testing (NDT) of HV machines: partial discharge (PD) measurement, frequency response analyse (FRA), dielectric spectroscopy (DSP).