Ing. Jakub Svatoš, Ph.D.
Phone number

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8106-6970
ResearcherID: C-5749-2016
Scopus ID: 6602591416
Co-author of the book: Zpracování a digitalizace analogových signálů v měřicí technice and Analog Signal Processing and Digitization in Measurement
03/2008 - 03/2015
Ph.D. study at the CTU in Prague, FEE, Department of Measurement
The topic of the dissertation thesis: Advanced Instrumentation for Polyharmonic Metal Detector
09/2002 - 02/2008
Master study at the CTU in Prague, FEE, Department of Measurement
The topic of the diploma thesis: Autonomous Measuring System
09/1998 - 06/2002
Secondary School SPŠE V Úžlabině
Electronic & Computer Systems
Education Stay
09/2017 - 11/2017
Industrial Technical Tutor Training Program in Taichung, Taiwan
International Graduate Summer School in Aeronautics and Astronautics at Beihang University, Beijing, China
06/2010 - 07/2010
Summer School on Distributed Measurement System in Gavle, Sweden
Research & Activities
Acoustic Signal and Gunshot Detection Algorithms and Systems
Metal detection and discrimination with non-traditional signals (linear/step sweep, sinc signal)
High-resolution ADC and DAC testing
Teaching Activity
- Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation
- Analog Signal Processing and Digitalization
- Diagnostics and Testing
- Sensors and Measurements
- Electrical Measurement
Award of Excellence and Award of Enthusiastic Service in the Industrial Technical Tutor Training Program commissioned by the Ministry of Economy Affairs, R.O.C.
2014, 2015, 2016 and 2022
Award in the student survey for outstanding teaching
Rector's Award for application of the research work results in practice
MATLAB, LabView (CLAD Certificate), Multisim, LOGOsoft, OrCAD, Mathematica
Theses Topics
► Acoustic Signal Detection, Processing and Classification
► Metal Detection and Classification (Eddy current metal detector, Polyharmonic signals, ...)
► Advanced Signal Processing (Matlab, LabVIEW, ...)