Ing. Michal Voldán
Ph.D. student
Phone number
voldamic [at]

- Ph.D. student since 2016
- Thesis topic: The use of alternative methods of the temperature measurement
- Supervisor: doc. Ing. Antonín Platil, Ph.D.
- 2012 - 2014
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of ElectricalEngineering - Masters Degree
Specialization: Communication, multimedia and electronics
Thesis topic: Directional Field Synthesis in the Listening Room
- 2009 - 2012
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of ElectricalEngineering - Bachelors Degree
Specialization: Communication, multimedia and electronics
Thesis topic: Localization of acoustic sources in half space
- 2005 - 2009
SPŠD Plzeňská - High school
Specialization: Mechanics - electronics
Relevant career experiences
- 09/2014 - now
Czech Metrology Institute, Regional Branch Prague
Metrologist at the dept. of Primary Metrology of Thermal Quantities
- [1] Voldán M.: Diffraction of acoustic wave by a sphere and the field synthesis, POSTER 2014 conference, dept. of radio engineering, CTU in Prague, Prague, 14.5.2014
- [2] Voldán M. and Strnad R.: PID control parameters optimization for temperature calibration laboratory, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Jan 2015, Conference: 17th International Congress of Metrology, DOI: 10.1051/metrology/20150015011
- [3] Strnad R. et al.: Nepodkročitelné hodnoty nejistot aneb jaká je reálná nejistota kalibrace teploměrů?, Metrologie, 1/2017, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Jan 2017, ISSN 1210-3543.
- [4] Merlone A. et al.: The MeteoMet2 project – Highlights and results, INRiM, Italy, Nov 2017, DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa99fc
- [5] Voldán M.: The Influence of Forest Stands on Temperature Measurement Accuracy in Meteorological Application, Metrologie, 4/2017, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Dec 2017, ISSN 1210-3543.
- [6] Strnad R., et al.: Kontaktní měření teploty a jeho návaznost, Metrologie, 1/2018, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Feb 2018, ISSN 1210-3543.
- [7] Voldán M. and Šindelářová L.: Vliv ponoru a samoohřevu u odporových snímačů teploty a termoelektrických snímačů teploty, Metrologie, 1/2018, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Feb 2018, ISSN 1210-3543.
- [8] Voldán M.: Měření teploty povrchu - nové poznatky, Metrologie, 1/2018, Czech Metrology Institute, Prague, Feb 2018, ISSN 1210-3543.
- [9] Voldán M, Husník L. Simple single transducer ultrasonic thermometer using electrostatic actuator. Applied Acoustics, 1/2019, CTU in Prague, Prague, May 2019, pages 448–456, ISSN 0003-682X, doi:10.1016/J.APACOUST.2019.01.011.