Ing. Michal Janošek, Ph.D.
Phone number

2014 + Assistant professor (courses MSZ, MSE, SZS, MAP).
Ph.D. - 2014, "A precise gradiometer suitable for space applications"
Ing. – 2007, Ms.C./Ing. - Measurement and Instrumentation (ČVUT, Fakulta Elektrotechnická).
Recent publications:
JANOŠEK, M., PETRUCHA, V., a VLK, M. Low-noise magnetic observatory variometer with race-track sensors [online]. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST2015). Bristol: IOP Institute of Physics. 2016, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-899X.
JANOŠEK, M., PLATIL, A., a VYHNÁNEK, J. Simple estimation of dipole source z-distance with compact magnetic gradiometer [online]. In: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers (IC-MAST2015). Bristol: IOP Institute of Physics. 2016, s. 1-4. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN 1757-899X. Dostupné z:
PETRUCHA, V., JANOŠEK, M., a AZPÚRUA, M. A. Vector Feedback Homogeneity and Inner Layout Influence on Fluxgate Sensor Parameters. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement. 2015, 64(5), s. 1293-1299. ISSN 0018-9456.
Full list of publications :
Theses Topics
► B.. Časově synchronizovaný datalogger pro magnetické observatoře. Time synchronized datalogger for magnetic observatories. (Raspberry Pi, GPS, NTP, SW ....)
► M.. Miniaturní AMR magnetometr s velkým rozlišením. Miniature magnetometer with high resolution. (AMR, signal processing, electronics development) .... "
► B/M..Lokalizace dipólového zdroje magnetického pole tenzorovým gradiometrem. Dipole source localization with the help of tensor gradiometer. (mathematics / physics / theory, SW )
► B/M.. Gradiometr pro detekci bludných proudů. Gradiometer for anomalous current detection. (signal processing, electronics development, field measurements)
► B/M.. Stabilizovaný tříosý cívkový systém. Stabilized triaxial coil system. (electronics development, practical trials, calibrations).
► M.. Magnetický variometr s nízkým šumem. Low-noise magnetic variometer. (development of new sensors/electronics).+ more topics on geomagnetic instrumentation / calibration / magnetic prospection on agreement.