Prof. Ing. Vladimír Haasz
Phone number

Member of the PhD study Committee for Technical Cybernetics at the University of Chemical Technology in Prague, member of the Technical commissions of standardisation TNK 12 "Quantities and Values" of the Czech Institute of Standardisation, past member of the IMEKO (International Measurement Confederation) TC-4 - Measurement of Electrical Quantities, vice-chairman of the Czech National Committee of IMEKO, member of the Editorial Board of the "International Journal of Computing".
Research interests:
DAQ systems of electrical quantities - application.
Sampling methods of measurement of non-harmonic waveforms.
Measurement of dynamic parametrs of AD modules including EMC testing.
Curriculum vitae
1972 Ing. (MSc) in Technical Cybernetics,
1977 CSc. (Ph.D.) in Measurement and Instrumentation,
1991 Assoc. Prof. in Measurement and Instrumentation,
1998 Full. Prof. in Measurement and Instrumentation,
all with the Czech Technical University in Prague - Faculty of Electrical Engineering, since 1972
Teaching activities:
Lectures in courses: Electrical Measurements