doc. Ing. Vojtěch Petrucha, Ph.D.
Phone number

Ph.D. - 3/2012 - 2/2007, CTU in Prague, FEE, Department of Measurement, Sensors and Magnetics Laboratory,
Ing. (M.Sc.) - CTU in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
High School of Electrical Engineering, Bozetechova 3, Olomouc,
Stays abroad
9/2007 - 3/2008
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Magnetometry section of the National Space Institute,
Work experience
2005 - ON Semiconductor - Roznov pod Radhostem, Wafer probing section
2006 - 2010 Novuco (Tuso, Hoodoo Bytes) HW, SW developer
Summer schools
2007 - 7th Summer School on "ADC & DAC Metrology", University of Sannio, Benevento, Italy
2008 - 8th Summer School on "Distributed measurement systems", University of Gavle, Sweden
Teaching activity
B3B35RO - Robots (laboratory exercises and lectures)
B3B38SME - Sensors and Measurements (lectures & laboratory exercises)
B3B38LPE - Laboratories of industrial electronics and sensors (laboratory exercises)
Supervision of individual and team projects
Supervision of Bachelor's and Master's degree theses
Defended theses
Bachelor's degree
Three Channel AD Converter for Fluxgate Magnetometer
Universal Excitation Unit for Fluxgate Sensors Development
Datalogger for Vector Magnetometer
Display Module for Vector Magnetometer
FPGA Controlled Magnetometer with Digital Output
Current Source for a Test Coil System
Intelligent Power Bank for Magnetometers
Modular Fluxgate Magnetometer with Digital Output
Applications of ESP32 Integrated Circuit
Environment Monitoring Unit with Wi-Fi Interface
System for Remote Monitoring of Laboratory Processes
Applications of Time-to-Digital Converters
Arbitrary Magnetic Field Vector Generation System with a Cancelation of External Disturbances
Development of a control system for microtomography (in cooperation with ÚTEF ČVUT)
On-board computer for PC104 format CubeSats
Robotic arm for mobile robot
Ionizing radiation detector for mobile robot
Module for precise measurements with Strain Gauges
Compact Hall probe magnetometer
Module for sensitivity calibration of magnetic sensors
Fluxgate magnetometer for the LVICE2 mission
Module for hysteresis loop measurement of soft ferromagnetic materials
Master's degree
Dual Head Vector AMR Magnetometer
System for Automatic Take-off and Landing of an UAV for Exterior Monitoring of Buildings
Quasi-definitive geomagnetic data production
Satellite Attitude Control Magnetometer
Wireless Data Acquisition System with Low Magnetic Contamination
Multipurpose Data Visualization and Recording Unit for Aircraft and Industrial Use
Data Acquisition System for Vector Magnetometers
Magnetic Gradiometer for Car Detection and Speed Measurements
System for Curie temperature measurement
LIDAR sensor and its application in a mobile robot
Proton magnetometer and precession signal processing
Winding machine for specific fluxgate sensor cores
Sensors for measurement of rock sample magnetic properties
High resolution data acquisition module
Digital signal processing for lock-in amplifier
Research interests
Sensors generally, Development of magnetic sensors and magnetometers (AMR, Fluxgate), Characterization and calibration of sensors and magnetometers, Thermomagnetic treatment of magnetic materials and their characterization, Instrumentation for geological exploration and magnetic field mapping
Current projects
Project from the EU call "Energy efficiency and energy management" (co-worker, p.i. prof. Ripka)
Past projects
Magnetometer for LVICE2 ESA project (p.i. at CTU-FEE)
Center of competence TACR - Advanced sensors (co-worker, p.i. doc. Platil)
Czech Science Foundation - Magnetic gradiometer based on fundamental mode orthogonal fluxgate (co-worker, p.i. doc. Butta)
Ministry of Interior project - Security research, Detection of carried improvised explosive devices (p.i. at CTU-FEE)
Czech Science Foundation, post-doc research project "Study of a sensor construction impact on vector magnetometer parameters using extended scalar calibration methods" (p.i.)
Czech Science Foundation - To the origin of the fluxgate noise (co-worker, p.i. doc. Butta)
Technology Agency of the Czech Republic - participation in project "Fluxgate gradiometer for space applications" (co-worker, p.i. prof. Ripka)
Magnetometer for search for Chebarkul meteorite (research prototype customized for underwater search for magnetic anomalies), cooperation with Charles University
In Space Propulsion 1 - FP7-SPACE, development of a complete DAQ chain for a new electric propellant turbopump testing (co-worker, p.i. at CTU prof. Ripka)
Vectorially compensated triaxial vector fluxgate magnetometer (SGS project)
Non-magnetic Platform for Scalar Calibration of Magnetometers (and Accelerometers)
Microaccelerometer Physical Sensor Simulator (cooperation with VZLU)
2006 - Nove trendy v rozvoji letectva, Kosice, Slovak Republic (oral presentation)
2007 - POSTER 2007, Prague, Czech Republic (poster)
2007 - Soft Magnetic Materials, Cardiff, UK (poster)
2008 - Magnetic Measuremets, Budapest, Hungary (poster)
2008 - IEEE Sensors, Lecce, Italy (oral presentation)
2008 - Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Austin, Texas, USA (poster)
2009 - EUROSENSORS, Lausanne, Switzerland (poster)
2009 - IEEE Sensors, Christchurch, New Zealand (poster)
2010 - IEEE Sensors, Waikoloa, USA (poster)
2011 - Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA (poster)
2012 - MM2012, Magnetic Measurements 2012, Slovak Republic (oral presentation)
2014 - I2MTC 2014, IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Montevideo, Uruguay (poster)
2014 - EMSA 2014, 10th European Conference on Magnetic Sensors and Actuators, Vienna, Austria
2015 - MM2015, Magnetic Measurements 2015, Slovak Republic
2016 - IEEE Sensors Application Symposium, 2016, Italy (oral presentation)
2016 - EMSA 2016, 11th European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference, 2016, Italy (poster)
2017 - MM2017, Magnetic Measurements 2017, Prague
2018 - EMSA 2018, European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators Conference, Athens, Greece
2019 - JOINT MMM-INTERMAG 2019, IEEE International Magnetics Conference and the Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Washington, USA
2020 - IEEE I2MTC Dubrovnik - online (due to Covid-19)
2020 - IEEE Sensors 2020 - online
2021 - IEEE Sensors 2021 - online
2022 - Joint MMM & Intermag 2022 - online
2022 - EMSA 2022 - European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators conference, Madrid, Spain - poster
2023 - SMM26 Prague, poster
2023 - IEEE Sensors 2023 Vienna - poster
2024 - European Magnetic Sensors and Actuators conference - EMSA2024 Košice - poster
Open-Cube project (development of framework for teaching robotics)
wITches administrator at FEE-CTU
Theses Topics
Generally: magnetism, microcontrollers, sensors, signal processing...
currently in progress: (to be finished in 2025)
Fluxgate magnetometer with STM32G474RE (minimalistic design, digital signal processing)
Three-channel integrating digitizer with simultaneous sampling (precise analog electronics, FPGA+MCU...)
to be solved in 2024/2025 (bachelor/master level)
- UAV magnetometer update
- VEKTOR - robotic walking dog (see
- Magnetic fluxgate gradiometer for geophysics and security applications (analog electronics, MCU, C programming...)
- and more
check the faculty project site:
Sounds interesting? Send an email and come to MAGLAB to discuss the topics personally...!
Team project topics:
project from last semester: