prof. Pavel Ripka
Phone number

Head of Maglab
Born in Praha (Prague) in 1959, Czech citizen
2002 Professor degree
1996 Docent degree, habilitation thesis "Ferromagnetic sensors"
1989 CSc. degree (equivalent to Ph.D.) Thesis dealing with the theory of fluxgate mechanism.
1984 Ing. degree in Electrotechnical Engineering received from the Czech Technical University (CTU) with honors and the Rector's award.
1979-84 Study at Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague
Languages: Czech, English, Slovak, Russian
2011-2019 Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, CTU
2008-2011 Head of the Department of Measurement of the FEE, Czech Technical University.
2007: visiting researcher (2 months) at the National University of Singapore - working on the project concerning high-sensitivity magnetic gradiometer for the detection of submarines
2005/6: Visiting scientist, Institute for the Protection and the Security of the Citizen, Ispra, Italy
working on the mine detection project
2005: visiting researcher (1 month) at the National University of Singapore
2001: Marie Curie Advanced Researcher Fellow at University of Galway, Ireland
1993: British Council grant for research stay at University of Bath, GB
In 1990/91 (5 months), 1992 (3 months) and 1993/4 (4 months) visiting researcher at the Danish Technical University, last stay taking part in the Oersted project concerned with precise satellite magnetometer.
1986-89 post-graduate student at the Department of Measurement
1984-85 Junior Researcher at the Department of Measurement
2024-2026 Responsible for GACR project Magnetic position sensors
2023-2026 Responsible for Czech part of EDF project NEUMANN (Alternative propulsion and energy systems for next generation air combat systems)
2020-2023 Responsible for GACR project Nanofluxgate
2017-2019 Responsible for GACR project New methods for the measurement of electric current
2012-2015 Responsible for GACR project Nanostructured soft magnetic materials for sensors
2011-2014 Responsible for TACR project Space magnetometer
2009-2011 Responsible for Czech part of FP-7 project ISP-1 (new generation of propulsion motor for space)
2009-2011 Responsible for OPPA project "Intelligent buildings"
2004-2007 Responsible for Czech part of the Leonardo pilot project PRACSENS
2004-2006 Responsible for Czech part of the FP6 STREP project SENPIMAG - development of new type of magnetic sensor
2003-2005 Responsible for Czech-Greek research project "Nanostructured magnetic materials"
2000-2003 Responsible for the international Leonardo pilot project "Modular courses on Modern Sensors"
1999-2002 Responsible for the development of the magnetometer for Czech satellite Mimosa
1998-2001 Responsible for the Czech-Japanese research project "Fluxgate sensors"
Development for the bomb locator DIMADS for Schiebel Austria.
Industrial consulting and research contracts for Czech and international companies (major contractors: Schiebel Austria, MIT Dresden Germany, Brownline the Netherlands, Tesla Czech Republic, Billingsley USA, Vector Magnetics USA, Texas Instruments USA, ThyssenKrupp Hungary)
Member of evaluation panel and Reviewer for the European Union and national grant institutions in the USA, Japan, Austria, Germany, Israel and Slovakia.
2011-2019 Dean of Electrical Engineering
2006-7 Vice-dean for education
Member of the Scientific Council of the FEE CTU (2003- ) and the Academic council (1999-2005).
Member of the Scientific Council of the University of Economics, Prague (VŠE) (2010-18 )
Council of Higher Education institutions: member (2007-2017), presidium member (2011- 2017), vice-chair, Committee for strategy and development (2009-2017).
Czech Research Fund: member of the board (2007-2016 ).
Member of IEEE, Marie Curie Fellowship Association, and the "Elektra" society.
Eurosensors Steering Committee member since 1993, honoraty member since 2010. General Chairman of the Eurosensors 2002 conference. Member of Scientific, Program and Advisory Committees of other international conferences such as SMM, Transducers, MM, EMSA, IEEE SSD, IEEE Sensors Conference.
IEEE Sensors Journal, Associate Editor (terms 2001-2004).
Member of the editorial board of Technisches Messen (2015- )Electronic Horizon/Slaboproudy obzor (1995-2006), Journal of Sensors (Hindawi, 2007-), Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review) (2008- ), International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems (2008-). Member of the International Advisory board of Measurement Science and Technology (IOP, 2007 -2011).
ERC panel member 2012-2016
2011 Prize of the President, Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
2003, 2005, 2006 Rector's award for research
2002, 2008, 2010 Best book CTU award
2001, 2005 Distinguished scientific team at CTU
2000 Czech National Innovation Award
Current research interests:
- sensors, mainly magnetic
- electronic instrumentation in magnetic measurements
- fluxgate magnetometers
Editor and co-author of 4 books (+3 Czech textbooks) and more than 200 published scientific and technical papers:
> 150 of them in SCI impacted journals.
Numerous papers (incl. invited) at international conferences (incl. IEEE Intermag, IEEE Sensors, MMM, EMMA, SMM, IMTC and Imeko World Congress)
6 Czech patents and 3 international patents
> 3400 WoS heterocitations, h-index = 30 according to WoS
see full list of papers
Sensors and Networks: lectures and lab courses
Magnetic measurements (in English): lectures and lab courses
Sensors and Maeasurement: lectures and lab courses (also in English)
2002: lecturer at CNRS Autumn School, France
2003: lecturer at NATO ASI Smart Sensors and MEMS, Portugal
2004: lecturer at Athens international course, Prague
2007: lecturer at CNRS Autumn School, France
PhD students: D. Hrakova, J. Maier
PhD graduates: P. Kejík (co-tutor), P. Navrátil, A. Platil, A. Tipek, A. Cerman , M. Vopálenský, J. Kubík, M. Malátek, J. Tomek. M. Butta, M. Janošek, A. Zikmund, P. Novacek, J. Vyhnánek, M. Mirzaei,V. Grim
Theses Topics
► Sensors for electric current
► Magnetic position and speed sensors
► Sensors for navigation
► Sensors for intelligent buildings
► Applications of magnetic sensors and materials